
Friday, June 22, 2012

I am not missing, blogger! Also a very necessary rant

I think it has been a while since I've updated a new post, it is just that there is nothing interesting to write about. Why would you want to remember a boring routine day?

Let's week Tuesday (June 26) will be the last day for my summer course. Hooray! I absolutely hate that class.. Well no, I like biology or natural core sciences, it was so fast paced and it lacked so much detail. I can say I did learn a lot albeit, I did most of my own readings. Not to toot my own horn (?) or anything, I really do believe I can substantially retain enough information by learning or reading on my own. What was really painful was getting to class everyday. It takes approximately 10-15 minutes to reach the train station and then wait 5 minutes for train to come, and lastly sit for another 35-40 minutes. In total, it takes about 1 hour to get to class! Shit man, I got better things to do.

Plus, this week is freaken hot. The weather in Boston during summer time is usually around 70-80 degrees. Very sunny and breezy. In my perspective, that's the only good thing about Boston - its summer is very enjoyable. I will miss this when I return to New York.

Anyway, today is going to be 90 degrees. It doesn't sound so bad, right? Then consider this, how can we instantly adapt higher temperatures when we are use to medium temperature? I think it'll throw our body's equilibrium off balance and we will all get sick.  Okay, maybe I am exaggerating even though it is possible. 

While today is 90 degrees, the past two days was horrible! It was ranging from 95-100 degrees. I had to commute to school during this blasted weather!

On other news, the next upcoming month is July and in my previous post, I wrote that I was going away with some friends to water rafting. Due to many complaints that it's too far to travel, we were forced to look for a closer location. Which is so retarded. Why would you spend so much to sleep at a place that is an hour away from your own home? Right? If it's an hour away from me, I'd rather save the money and fucken drive home to sleep.

The whole point is to celebrate my bf's birthday, have fun, and enjoy each other's company, but NO! Everyone complains and complains. How can we make everyone happy? 

This is why I never enjoy hosting parties or gatherings, you simply cannot make anyone happy. I wish they would shut up and stop being so selfish. If you do not have the financial means, fine I will not force you to come. I am a reasonable person. I think it would be very helpful to help me find a better location to suit to everyone's need instead of complaining and expecting me to do something about it. ARGH! So annoying. I get all these bimbotic texts from everyone and I have to keep rolling my eyes. Eventually my eyeballs will fall out. 

Honestly, I don't even know if this gathering will even occur at the rate it's going. I will be very disappointed... It is not everyday I get to hang out with my friends and rarely do I ever get the chance to have a sleep over. 

My parents were very traditional. They'd say, "Why would you want to sleep in someone else's bed when you have your own?" When you think of it that way, it's true...and very logical. But what the heck lah, I just want to have fun. How does it feel to the be only person not allow to go to slumber party and be that one person who is always left out? 

My camera hunting has progress as well. I do so much research that I can actually understand photo-terminology. Pretty good accomplishment if I do say so myself. I went from adoring the Canon s100, to obsessing over the Olympus Pen series...especially the E-PM1. I thought it was so cool that they have filters like apps on iPhones. But my infatuation for that camera ceased when I was informed that flip-out cameras exist. I can finally take out pictures of myself without guessing whether or not I am in the picture. There's so many functions that I love but my main priority was image quality. So now, my most recent find is the newest release from Sony, their Alpha series called  Nex F3. It has the flip-out 3.0 inch LCD screen, amazing image quality, high ISO, good grip...etc.etc.etc. While it doesn't have filters, I can live without it, I can always add it through photoshop. So it's not the end of the world for me. 

Okay...I think that's all the rambling. Done! 

Goodbye ~~ 

Monday, June 11, 2012

Loving my skin lately!

Lately, my skin condition has improved significantly. My cheeks are so much softer like a baby's butt! HA! For the past few weeks, I have attempted to take extra good care of my skin because I don't want to look old or have bad skin when I do become old. Hence, it is never too late to start trying to have a youthful and healthy skin.  

While growing up, I never stressed too much about having acne because I just don't get them. Thank you mom and dad for good genes!!! 

But even if I do have good genes, that does not I should slack off .. Gotta do my part too.

This is the main stuff I use on my face for about a month now. I am trying achieve a fairer skin, as I have been born as a dark hairless monkey. After washing my face, I use my Shiseido toner and than moisturizer.  Instead of just wiping the moisturizer all over my face, I pat it down so my skin can absorb it in. I usually wait another 30 minutes before putting on the masks. My mother got these masks for me, I think they are called My Beauty Diary.  I use the mask maybe 2-3 times a week. I have only recently used My Beauty Diary, before I use a facial mask from Leaders Clinie White Lux. Leaders has been praised very often and recommended for better and fairer skin. Better and fairer are the two adjectives I want people to observe and describe my skin with!!!  

The instructions says to leave them on your face for 15-20 minutes. I find them to be so refreshing that sometimes I fall asleep with them on. The next morning, the effect is so amazing. 

My face is smoother, softer, and healthier! 

I can't even believe I am actually following through with this skin-care regime since I am always too lazy to do anything at all. 

Now that I have almost achieve my goal for better skin condition, I should probably look into what kind of food I should take in. During my skin-care regime, I drank a lot of water. I read somewhere that water is good for the I don't know man.

Not flattering picture of my incoming...

Oh my god...looks so bad. I have so much meat on my face so when I smile, everything is all smushed up =__=;; not flattering at all. I don't know where I found this pic, should be deleted pronto. 

All that water I've drank must've have shrunken my face down a bit. I've noticed when I smile - my cheeks are not so chubby. I am going to guess that my face was so big before due to lack of water, thus my skin feels the need to retain some water in. 

So remember, always drink water! It's healthy too! Cleanses and rids your body off of toxins. 

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Water rafting, cameras, ramblings, and recent purchases

Next month, I am going water rafting with some friends. I cannot wait because it will be my second time. The first time, it was so boring. OMG! It was basically like going down a slide at a child's playground. However, unlike a child's play thing, I got caught in a whirlpool? I'm not sure what that happen because we are suppose to be in a river or some sorts... Anyway, the whirlpool was not a dangerous one, very slow currents and our rafting boat (?) got caught and we went round and round in a circle very very slowly. You would think mentioning a whirlpool in this story would be exciting right? Who the hell would get excited about a slowass whirlpool anyhow? Okay, I digress from the main point.. anyway, I invited some friends along and my bf also invited his friends along. I think it will be very fun with friends especially since we are going to rent out a vacation home and next month is also my bf's birthday! Eh, no one cares =.= it's not even his real birthday anyway. Another story on that ...

Since some of my friends will be coming along, I thought I should invest in a camera to keep some memories around. I think I might be getting old because I am starting to value small things like pictures. I usually take pictures with my iPhone but it's actually not so efficient not to mention its quality is crappy especially low lighting.

I am considering on Canon s100, a semi-professional point and shoot digital camera. I did a lot of research before deciding on it, I even got my photography friends to help make decision. Any suggestions on a better camera? I wanted a SLR, but shit that looks so bulky and heavy! I am too weak to carry that around. I'm sure it takes great pictures but my arms will be so dead by the end of the day, I will probably end up taking no pictures at all. Plus, the Canon s100 is small, can fit in my pockets, and take great pictures that way I can whip it out whenever I want. I am going to do more research on cameras before I can really commit to buying one.

Right now, we are looking to water raft in New Hampshire!
 (Screen shot source:
Looks like a good place to start and look at the guy in the picture, he's pretty cute and he looks like he's having fun. Haha, maybe we can go there. I don't know how my New York friends will get to NH though. 

Let's see...for rental vacation homes? Something like this? Doesn't look so bad and seems big enough for approximately 8 or more people? If not, we can play rock-paper-scissor to see who sleeps in the car! 

I hope they have a grill, I wanna BBQ and eat yummy foods.  Next month is not even closing in yet and I am already doing so much window shopping. 

Woe is me. I am suppose to be saving money too, but I am already spending it so soon. For the life of me, saving money is definitely not my forte.

Recently, I purchased a bag from LeSportsac! Isn't is so pretty and floral? The price wasn't so bad too. Got it for $51.95 at Karmaloop. There's only left in stock, thank god I order it ASAP! Can't wait for them to ship it to me soon!

How can I possibly save any money when pretty things keep appearing in front of me?

It's like asking a hungry child to not eat the delicious meal!

Plus, I really like floral things - they seem to go really nice with most styles.

I also got myself a pair of flats! I've been eyeing these babies ever since I saw one of my friend wore one.

It's called... DUN DUN DUN ~ Sam Edelman's "The Beatrix Shoe in Rose Gold".
Pretty nice right? 

I just love the studded tips! I think that's what made me decide to buy this. Albeit, probably not good for hiking or water rafting for that matter... Oh well. I got carried away~

This is how it looks like when you wear it. I assure you it'll look BETTER ON MY FEET! MUAHA!
I've only bought two things today and I already feel so shameful >_<;; I might put myself through another ban on buying stuff or spending altogether. 

All merchandise pictures are taken from Karmaloop.